
I am a private psychologist and offer counseling for adults in pleasant surroundings in the center of Tromsø. I am available for appointments both day- and eveningtime. You can find an overview of prices below.

What do you need?

Everyone has their own unique story and what each individual comes into the therapy room with, varies from person to person. Some will need someone to listen, and find ways to talk about difficult subjects. Others may need to start more concretely with exercises and problem solving. While for others it is unclear what is causing problems and in which direction to move.

I have experience with anxiety, depression, life crises, trauma, burnout, dealing with illness, relationship problems and difficult childhoods. But my starting point is always the person I have in front of me and what may be the culprit behind the difficulties. So, you are welcome no matter how clear or unclear your needs are.

Change for the better

I am in a profession that I strongly believe in. I believe in the value of talking to another person within a professional framework that has a neutral point of view, with psychological knowledge and experience. I believe in the possibility of change and increased life quality through seeing oneself from another's perspective, allowing oneself to be challenged and understanding oneself and one's history in new ways.

Therapy often involves sorting, getting to know one's own emotional inner life better, and learning to handle unpleasant emotions. These can be related to painful experiences and memories, to something one has been exposed to and to how the person has been shaped by his og hers upbringing and past.

For example, when one talks about processing, for me it is often about finding the words and share important aspects of your psyche, and then reshaping and repairing with the goal of becoming more whole as a person. This often also involves to encounter something what one has kept at a distance. And in this process, emotions are important guides, they may be signalling where we stand, and where and how we should move forward.

To experience support from another in this work, often makes people dare to explore and get closer to something fundamental in oneself. And from here, one can develop the perseption of self-worth, set clearer boundaries and shape a more secure identity. – To put it another way: Get a better foothold and move more securely around.


What kind of method, or methods, a psychologist uses is only part of the ingredients of therapy. To communicate well together, feel trust and experience a good connection are examples of other important factors.

I use elements from several theoretical frameworks, but my overall methodological foundation is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT is about exploring and embracing, instead of distancing yourself from what you experience as problems, and moving towards acceptance. This can open up for flexibility where things feel stuck.

ACT is based on behavioral analysis and is not only centered around how psychological phenomena manifest themselves, but also the context in which they occur and what functions they have. In this way, the focus goes beyond symptoms, thoughts, feelings and verbal expressions alone. It’s this width and depth I like about the method, and it’s corresponding with my view of psychological processes and human functioning.

The commitment lies in finding one's own personal values, life goals and inherent resources, and then be guided by these – i.e. making binding agreement with oneself. It is well established in research that incorporating healthier strategies based on such an agreement, results in better mental health.

ACT is proven to be effective in the treatment of a wide range of psychological ailments. Such as anxiety disorders, depression, trauma, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, addiction, work stress and chronic pain.

You own the process

It is always a brave step to start therapy, whether you have been in therapy before or if you are trying it for the first time. To take this into account, I am concerned that you should experience owning your own process and that we follow your natural pace.


As an authorized psychologist, I am bound by the Health Personnel Act on confidentiality.

I’m also committed to the Norwegian Psychological Association's guidelines about integrating the best available research with clinical expertise seen in the context of the client's nature, cultural background and desired goals.

About me

I am 53 years old and left a career as a graphic designer when I started my psychology education. I wanted to use myself in a better way and work closer to human issues.

I was born with a degree of cerebral palsy - which can be both relevant and irrelevant, but which I believe is reasonable to mention.

This background, combined with expertise in psychology, forms the basis of my work as a psychologist.

Mostly I’be been working with individual therapy and support-consultations for adults, and I have experience with both severe and milder challenges.

Finally, I have relatively long experience of "being in the world", and have dealt with a great variety of people. And I have learned about myself that there’s little that scares me. I don’t shy away from dark, existential themes, and I am confident in conversations about serious illness, death and loss.

Sessions and prizes

Price reduction after 5 and 10 sessions

Continuous therapy over time is what gives the best result. The session rate is therefore reduced after the fifth and tenth hour, to encourage this. This price reduction assumes no more that six weeks passes before the next appointment.

Not everyone needs therapy over time, and sometimes you don't know what you want and need. In that case, it is possible to start with one session and see where the pathway goes from there.

Extended session

A regular session often goes by very quickly when you have carried a lot over time, therefore many people need a extended first session. A longer session can also open for going deeper into the issue.

Individual therapy

Regular session (50 min): Kr 1290

Extended session (100 min): Kr 2380

Session 6 – 10 (50 min): Kr 1140

Extended session (100 min): Kr 2080

After 10th session (50 min): Kr 990

Extended session (100 min): Kr 1780

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Couples therapy

Regular session (70 min): NOK 1790

Extended session (100 min): NOK 2350

Session 6 – 10 (70 min): NOK 1640

Extended session (100 min): NOK 2050

After 10th session (70 min): NOK 149O

Extended session (100 min): NOK 1750

Book an appointment

Come for a short chat!

If you are not sure whether a psychologist is what you need, or whether the therapist should be me, you can come in for a short 20 minute chat. This is free.

Book a short chat


You will receive a link on your mobile after the session with the option to pay by card or e-invoice.


Unused sessions that are not cancelled 24 hours before the appointment time, must be paid in full.

Please contact me if you have any questions.